El servidor Domino es un poderoso y flexible servidor de aplicaciones. Lo que le distingue de otros servidores de aplicaciones es que soporta tanto clientes Lotus Notes como navegadores. La misma base de datos puede ser accedida por ambos interfaces.
Este curso enseña los pasos esenciales para adaptar una base de datos Notes básica, desarrollada para cliente Notes, para que pueda ser accedida mediante navegador web. Se verá como Domino Designer 8 es la herramienta adecuada para construir aplicaciones para cliente Lotus y navegador.
En este curso, se aprende cómo:
Este curso está diseñado para programadores Notes que conocen Domino Designer 8. Asume que el alumno tiene:
La duración del curso es de 1 jornada
Topic 1: Domino Web Engine and the HTTP Server
Browser access to Domino services and objects
Server configuration
Incoming URL parsing
Serving file system resources
Serving Shared Resources
URLs to Domino database resources
Domino Web Engine conversion
Conversion of @Commands and application navigation
What the Domino Web Engine cannot convert
Topic 2: Coding for Notes and Browsers
Domino Designer and applications for browsers
Notes versus browser capabilities
Design considerations
Conditional coding
Exercise: Create project application and open it from a browser
Topic 3: Forms
HTML or WYSIWYG Form development
Add HTML to a Form or Page
HTML Pane and pass through HTML
HTML input tag attributes
Rich Text Field properties
Interoperability warning
Exercise: Set Field properties
Exercise: Pick a department
Generate HTML for all fields
Exercise: Generate HTML for all fields
Control how Domino Web Engine generates HTML
Address book lookup dialog box
Attach files
Detach attached files
Delete attached files
Exercise: Attachments
Display image attachment in browser
Topic 4: Field Formulas and Form Submit
Form processing for browsers
WebQueryOpen event Agent
Trigger a refresh or save
Exercise: Field Input Translation event formulas
Input Validation using formula language
Possible Form caching issue
Exercise: Field validation error page
Redirect user after saving a document
Exercise: $$Return
Open a Page or Form after the save
Useful @Functions
WebQuerySave event Agent
CGI variable Fields
Topic 5: Views
Purpose of Views
View limitations for browsers
Standard View format options
Exercise: Enable View Java applet
Embed Views in a Page or Form
Exercise: $$ViewTemplate for AllProductsByDateCreated Page
Topic 6: Navigation
Problem: Invalid Outline Entries
Exercise: Hide invalid Outline Entries
General @Commands
View-level @Commands
Non-working Action buttons
Problem: Delete Action button in Form
Exercise: Redirect user after deleting an open document
Problem: Inventory Adjustment
Create response document
Exercise: Inventory Adjustment
Future work on Inventory Adjustment
Problem: Cancel Action Button navigation
Exercise: Cancel Action button
Problem: Action buttons and Outline control are HTML
Exercise: Use Java Applet for Action Bar
Problem: Deleting documents from a View
Exercise: Delete documents from a View
Exercise: Hide Form elements from browsers
Topic 7: Application Security
Domino network and server security
Login name versus authenticated name
Force authentication
Server Access Lists and HTTP
Security handoff
Database Access Control List
Maximum Internet name and password
Exercise: Define ACL and roles
Database encryption
Two design changes to prevent URL hacking
Require SSL connection
Recommended reading
Topic 8: Cascading Style Sheets
Add STYLE attribute to an HTML element
Styles in Domino Designer elements
New container tags
External style sheets
The CSS file
Pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors
Pseudo-element selector
Descendant selectors
Conflicting style declarations
Adding a Style Sheet Shared Resource
Embed or link to Style Sheet Shared Resource
Link to multiple style files
Exercise: Cascading Style Sheet
Topic 9: Browser Errors
Browser response codes
Common HTTP server response codes
Browser display of error messages
Form and other design errors
Domino Server Log messages
Custom error Forms
Server and Site-wide custom error Forms
Topic 10: Performance
Notes versus browser application processing
Optimize applications for both clients
Optimize applications for browsers
Improve server performance
Domino as an IIS ISAPI Extension
Run IIS and Domino HTTP server task at same time
Front-ending the Domino Web Engine